First Name
Last Name
Business Name
This is my current URL and I wish to keep it
I don't have this URL yet and I will need to acquire it
How do you want to be contacted by clients?
Contact form (ideal if you don't want your email address displayed online)
Email address written as text
Phone Number
(This will be displayed on the website. If you do not wish to display this, please leave it blank.)
Business Address (if applicable)
(This will be displayed on the website. If you do not wish to display this, please leave it blank.)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
If you want to include your business address on your website, how do you want it displayed?
As a Google Map
As text
Brief description of your business
Products or services offered
Current audience
(List as many details as possible about your current customers, including ideal age, profession, industry, hobbies, values and passions.)
Ideal audience
(Describe your ideal target audience, if different from above.)
Main business goal(s)
(e.g. get new clients into my brick and mortar store, promote an online class, display my photography portfolio, get newsletter sign ups, etc.)
Who is your competition?
Provide their URLs here
When customers first see your website, how do you want them to feel?
What elements and features do you like the most about it?
What elements and features do you like the least about it?
What elements and features do you like the most about it?
What elements and features do you like the least about it?
What elements and features do you like the most about it?
What elements and features do you like the least about it?
Do you require any of the following features?
Please select all that apply.
Newsletter / email sign up
Store or shopping cart
Downloads (e.g. a free PDF resource, images, etc.)
Online appointment scheduling (e.g. Acuity)
Other (please specify below):
Please provide any other information here on what you'd like to see in your website.